Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Bithday My Baby

Four years?! Has it really been that long? I feel so spoiled to have you. Everyday you make me smile and I cherish you completely. You are a teenager in a little body and I wouldn't have it any other way. What other 4 year old asks for an i pod and a computer for their birthday? True, you did want a "Barbie i pod" and a "princess or pony computer" but still. I think my favorite thing is to watch you swim, for some reason it just makes my heart melt - you in your little life jacket and goggles kicking those little legs as fast as they can go - pure heaven. I hope you stay little for just a little while longer while I soak in the fact that you are my last. You mean the world to me and I will forever have you in my heart, my little princess.

A quick look at Ryann:
favorite color: pink and purple and anything princess, okay Mom!
favorite food: "chinen yugges" (chicken nuggets)
favorite show: Dora!
favorite hobby: computer and guitar hero - I know, I know.
favorite saying: "seriously, Mom, seriously?!"
favorite possession: baby blanket that Mom made
favorite gesture: EXTREME eye roll (seriously...already?)


Jessica said...

Happy Birthday Ryann!!!! Come back and visit us again.

Anne Marie said...

She is darling. Does she look totally like Reilly or what?

Wendy said...

I like the time capsule idea. I may copy that... Ok I WILL copy that.
P.S. I thought her favorite saying was "Ahhhh!" ;) She is the master screecher! happy Birthday, screechy face!

Leslie said...

She is SUCH a cutiepie!

Diane said...

You captured her personality to a tee! My favorite thing is the random shout out -- "I love you!!"