Thursday, June 12, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! my sweet, beautiful, compassionate, wonderful girl. I love you so much and am so proud of the young woman that you are becoming. I thank Heavenly Father everyday for allowing me to be a part of your life. I'm a little sad thinking that each year that passes is another year closer to you leaving and finding your own path, but mostly I'm excited to see who you become and what you make of all the talents you've been gifted. You make my heart happy, forever and always.


Anne Marie said...

What a beautiful girl! She looks so much older than when I saw her last.

Stacy Sorensen said...

I remember going through that awkward phase around that birthday. I see no signs of awkward on this girl. Loved seeing you all. Hope the trip to CA as great.

Kaylene said...

Happy Birthday Reilly! I still think of she and Michaela playing together at 7 Peaks in the little kiddie pool with all the other 100's of kids. I think I have a picture somewhere. When I find it I will send you a copy.
Beautiful girl!

Wendy said...

I love this picture. Happy Birthday, Reilly!