Note To Self
Dear Self,
It has become apparent that you must teach your kids to not bring friends back into your room without your knowing (especially right after you shower). Must everyone in Utah see you in next to nothing before you learn?...for the love! I just hope you didn't scare/scar the girl next door. She looked as shocked as you did when you screamed, dove to the ground and peeked over the bed to tell her you weren't dressed. (just a side note: she could probably tell already because crossing your legs and two hands don't tend to cover that much!) Now you have to go talk to her mother - welcome to the freakin' neighborhood.
Oh, poor Em. No worries, it is easy to forget to lock the door. This will just be an addition to your plethora of embarassing stories. We have all had them. Did I tell you how I flipped off my neighbor when I first moved in? Who knew it was my neighbor cutting me off on the freeway. A few weeks later, Caden was at their house and peed on their son. Yeah, I was ready to move. Love ya. Becky
Becky, I totally remember that story!
Learn from your past experience, buy a robe.
Sadly, I had the same thing happen when we lived in Arizona... only it was the teenage boy from our ward who lived down the street and cut our lawn that my child let in the door and dragged by the hand to my bedroom! We moved shortly thereafter, thank goodness!
Who walks around naked??? Seriously??? I go from towel to clothes and I hide my naked body even from myself.
hey pirate - who said I walk around naked? I was mid change thank you. RRRRR
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