Monday, September 22, 2008

Lessons Learned

So it seems my little game has taught me a few things:
1. Darren has a big mouth. You only had to call him and within about 30 seconds time somehow the conversation would "turn in that direction" and you would have all the info...nice.
2. I have one of the most impatient families out there. I got a lot of "this is lame", "just tell me already" and "you suck". They had to wait exactly 1.5 days (some even shorter because they don't read my blog) and they acted as if the time was going to do them in. Oh sisters, you make me laugh even when you are threatening me from afar.
3. I also have some pretty impatient friends...texting, calling Darren's phone, emailing me propositions... glad to know that if I do decide to join polygamy that I already have a few sister wives in waiting:)
Okay, enough waiting...the BIG news for the Springer family is that we are moving. Yep, after all the home searching, offer putting, boxes packing/unpacking, deal making we are putting our home on the market once again seeing as Darren just accepted a job in Texas. All unpacking came to a halt last Monday when the offer was made and we knew we had a lot to think about. Darren warned me about a week before that this might be a possibility and I told him no way and kept unpacking. I like it here and it was going to take a lot of convincing otherwise to get me to move again (pine box, feet first sound familiar?). After a lot of prayer, weighing the pros and cons and even going to the temple we've decided to go ahead and put our house on the market. I was so confused as to why I felt so strong about this house and then a few days later the thought came to me that it was because this house would be so easy to sell and we wouldn't loose any money on it. Any other house would be subject to this hard real estate market but this house was such a find and we got such a good deal on it (our realtor still talks about it) that we think it should sell within the next month or so. An overwhelming feeling of peace came through me and I know that despite all these changes there was a plan for us all along. Darren and I figure that by the time we actually sell (again) and move (again) we would have been in some state of limbo for over a year - not an easy thing to do. I know nothing about Texas and I am anxious to learn where the good, family friendly cities are. The one friend I have down in the Dallas area is moving back up here next week so there goes any connections I may have. My cousin Jared and his family live in the San Antonio area so his wife Anne Marie is great about answering any questions I might have - hello property taxes! Anyways, more to come on our big move - thanks so much for playing my game, I really do have the best friends out there:)


Leslie said...

Although I think you're a touch on the crazy side, I knew this was it! ;-) I will miss you guys even more now, but I hope this will be an incredible adventure for you! Try to make it to our next "Anne" night (9/30) so I can get a chance to say goodbye!

Wendy said...

You are PSYCHO! Don't act for one second that you didn't LOVE every threatening phone call/email/text. This was your game and you loved that we all played along. So jokes over, right? This can't be. I feel like I'm loosing my identity. What is happening to my Utah Sista? But, I'm a sister of her word. I will throw you a moving shower. In October. In California. So between Darren and all your amazing friend, you better make this last girls va-ca happen. Come on. Don't your kids want to have a week long slumber party before you have to move? You could even have a week long open house while you're gone. Even better. Think about... never mind. I'll just call and nag you about it.

P.S. If you ever get so desperate for comments again, I will NOT play your game. That is manipulation at it's best and you KNOW that's my game! xoxo

Diane said...

You're moving! Of course, I have ambivalent feelings. Nevertheless, I am very happy for you because I knew you looked forward to this adventure. I shouldn't be surprised. When we moved to California, nearly all our relatives eventually moved away. Now that we've moved to Utah, I guess the process is starting over again. You and your family fit in so easily wherever you go. I hope everyone is good to you in your new ward, neighborhood, city, etc. You deserve the very best. I love you!

Jessica said...

I'm pissed! And for one reason: we already bought our plane tickets to Utah for Thanksgiving and we are coming out early just to see you guys and your new house. Now what are we going to do? Did you even consider that in your fasting and prayers? I doubt it!

Emily said...

To all my friends out there...welcome to my family (there's bound to be more ripping so stay tuned)- they mean well, it's what I tell myself daily at least.

Kim said...

I thought for sure it was #2! Actually, the moving one sounded right - but I thought "There's NO WAY she would move so fast!" I was all ready to start peeking at your belly for some growth. Thanks for inviting me to your exclusive scrapbook club and then DITCHING! Were my pages really that bad?

Stacy Sorensen said...

All I have to say is YEEEHAAA! Now you will only be a 20 hour drive away instead of 31. We should plan to meet in the middle.... and I just so happen to know a guy who owns a cabin outside Chattanoogo, TN. I am thinking road trip summer '09. Buckle-up. And like I said before Paul seems to think that TX is our Mecca so we just might pack up sooner or later and move next door. So, where in Texas?

Kaylene said...

I don't know what happened to my comment I made last week, I had Brin on my lap so that should explain it all. I am excited for you guys!! My good friend lives outside of Houston, and grew up there. What part of Texas are you moving to? I would be happy to give you her info. if you'd like it. That's awesome! Look on the bright side, at least you already have the moving boxes and most likely some boxes still packed!

Jenni said...

I knew it! I even named the state in my text!! LOL. I am really happy for you, and yes it is a giant leap of faith, but you and your family will be blessed I'm sure of it. I have a very good friend who just relocated to that area (you two would be great friends--she's creative like you!)and some family who lives there, so I'd be happy to hook you up.

Also, you will only be eight hours away instead of 16. Cool.

The M&M MacArthur Family said...

I was all excited to come & see you in your new house in hickville!!! (I guess I can still come before you go). If it was the pregnancy thing, I would have laughed & laughed & laughed!!!

Natalie said...

Well I guess I say Good Luck and Congratulations. I know all about relying on Faith and going to the temple, hoping what you you are doing is the best for your family! It will be a great adventure. Our adventure has been wonderful and we have all grown and realized no matter where you live, you have each other and the gospel and that is really all the matters.

Look on the bright side, in Texas you will still be able to wear your bedazzled wranglers and fit right in. Texas, GO big or Go Home!

Anne Marie said...

Congrats!!!! So excited for you guys to come join us down here. Good luck with selling your house, packing, everything!

Jules said...

I was too late to play your game--but WOW! At least you haven't finished unpacking yet. I'm just glad that no matter where you are I can always read your hilarious blog posts!