Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dropping The BOMB

Okay, this is big, this is really BIG!!! Our family has a big change coming up and no one - I mean NO ONE knows anything about it so I thought what better way to announce it then on my blog. But I can't come right out and say it - what fun is that? - so instead I'll give you 3 choices and you have to guess. This is big for our family and we haven't even told our kids yet so I guess between now and Mon. (the real announcement) we'll have to break the news to them. This is exciting, scary, nerve racking and a huge leap of faith for us but in the end it should all work out. Okay, enough rambling - here's the choices:

1. We're moving...AGAIN! We've loved lugging boxes around so much we can't wait for the chance to do it again! No actually, with all the hype surrounding my blog my family has no privacy. I am constantly hearing "Is that Miss Fancy Pants of THE Little Miss Fancy Pants?" and "dang, I can't believe I am finally meeting you, I've admired you from afar for so long..." etc. So to protect my family we must move and I will start blogging under a different name and give my kids cute nicknames so as to not attract any more attention. Love the fans, hate the haters!

2. We're having a baby!!! Darren finally won and I agreed that there was yet another little Springer waiting to join our crazy family. Of course we just gave away EVERYTHING baby before we moved so I'm going to register at a couple stores and expect a few baby showers. Not to sound bratty and presumptuous but come on people, I can't be expected to buy all that stuff again. Anyone, anyone? If no one volunteers I'm going to have to nominate you - it will be an honor, promise.(Heidi- I really want Ashly's old crib bedding, just tell your friend that your favorite friend comes first:)

3. Since being out here and surrounded by several polygamist families we've learned to appreciate the life style and have decided to form our own sect. Darren has promised me that I will always be "wife #1" and my job will be to scrapbook the family life. We thought we'd probably need about 4 other women for other various jobs around the house but I tap-tapped the fun stuff. I just don't do cooking, cleaning, child rearing etc. as good as they probably do. I'm already scouting out different women I see and I think with our new way of thinking I can easily find some willing to convert. I mean the old style of dressing is so 1800's. It's time to make handbags and sassy shoes part of the overall dress. No more long hair in braids, no make up, long sleeves and long skirts. This wife #1 is shaking things up a bit and the Springer clan is going to lead the revolution into 2009. Jewelery is not evil people, lipstick is not of the devil...oh I can just see my (I mean Darren's) sermons now. People will look to us as an example and we in turn will show them that the Lord's work can be done while looking pretty and sassy, and there's certainly nothing wrong with a little metro in the man. It will be good, it will be very good.

So...what's your guess? and you better guess or else I will die. I will shrivel up and die because no one will play my game. Then how would you feel? Hmmm, just guess so we don't even have to go there.


Tracy said...

Although option number one does sound realistic... I am going to choose option number two. You sound too excited about having a little baby and having a baby shower!

So I'm going to jump the gun and ask, when is the due date?

Diane said...

If you move to a private blog, will you invite me?

Emily said...

Mom, that's not a guess(and I can only invite 100 people so we'll see)

Emily said...

Oh, and no fair calling to ask (sisters) cause you know I'll just lie and then where does that leave us?

Wendy said...

I'm not calling to ask you Em. I just have 2 missed calls from you so call me again ASAP.

Jenni said...

Don't shrivel up and die, please. I have no idea what to guess here, so I think I will choose all three: you are pregnant and in need of some more help around the house so Darren agreed to get you a sister wife but you need a bigger house for all her kids, so you are moving too.

Wendy said...

I vote you're moving. Final answer so call and tell me DANG IT!

Jenni said...

I'm with Wendy. You are moving. Call me after you call her. Dang it.

Wendy said...

Nevermind, your prego-my-eggo. I'll throw you a baby shower IF I find out first, via text or phone call, not your blog.

Emily said...

Jenni - you little cheat! Bet you wish you didn't keep bugging me to tell EVERYONE that "occupied" story, cause otherwise I would have totally respond to your text!

Jenni said...

You know you wouldn't have told me anyway. You are loving this little game aren't you?

Becky O said...

I am going to have to guess the baby thing. Which is actually going to make me so jeolous. I know I just had one, but it is my last and he is growing too fast. I can't wait to find out...I don;t know how I will sleep tonight!!

Natalie said...

I think I would have to say #DOSE! You would not go for Darrin having another woman in the house! And moving, we all HATE moving so, YEAH I say number 2! Can't wait to see the big RAVEAL!

Wendy said...

Ok, now I'm just getting mad. Tell me!!!

Leslie said...

All 3 options are almost equally unlikely with you... ;-) But if I had to pick the one that was LEAST unlikely, I'd go with #1... because if it was #2, there's no way you'd sound so un-stressed about this "big news" -- at least not at first! ;-)

Jessica said...

My vote it that you are moving! Yep, that is is and I am 33.3% sure! No but seriously, that is my guess! Now call me tonight at midnight and tell me :)

Kim said...

OK...I'm guessing #2, because we all hate moving especially when it is all so recent in your memory!! Plus the "welcome to the neighborhood" comment in your next post makes me think that you were at least planning on staying when you originally posted this. Now, after that experience maybe I'll guess #1 & #2. Fun Fun!

Elena said...

whatever -- you suck. Tell me...

You're pregnant.

Shyloh Belnap said...

I am sooooo confused! If you are moving, I am going to KILL you! And, if you are pregnant I am not babysitting, but I will throw you a shower!

Anonymous said...

You suck! Stop the nonsense and tell me already! I vote for moving. I knew that there could be a chance for it and things always happen when you are least expecting them.

Stacy said...

I vote you are moving to Texas!! And I could not be happier about it. After Paul and I get enough excitement out of DC and come to the conclusion that the housing market is just too crazy here he tells me we are moving to Texas. I'm not sure why Paul has picked Texas (his last pick was Arizona) but he thinks "this is the place". Now I will have 2 families that I would love to live closer to... You and Beth the dentist.
But I have not totally ruled out the baby option. You do have like 15 bedrooms out there in the boonies, right?