Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Alright, alright, alright...'s the latest. We've been in the house for about a week and a half and so far so good. There's much to learn about country livin' and minus the flies, spiders, mice and snakes I LOVE it. For the first week we had an invasion of flies - they were everywhere, and by everywhere I mean EVERYWHERE!!! Reilly and I killed about 50 in the kitchen one afternoon (it was a blood bath and we didn't take any prisoners) and that barely made a dent. I finally got so fed up I bought the fly strips and hung 2 in the kitchen. I venture to bet that it doesn't get any more white trash then that my friends. We found 2 black widows in one day and 2 of the gnarliest looking hairy spiders I've ever seen just hanging out in the kitchen. Even Darren was freaked up a bit but he maned up and vacuumed those suckers up, it totally pays to have a man around:) I called pest control and had them out the next day...Darren wanted to know what it was going to cost, ummmm hello?! It doesn't matter, it was either the spiders leave or I do and I'm sure a few nights in the Best Western would cost more. He agreed. The bug guy had the audacity to explain that these little critters where here first...yeah, he doesn't know me - I simply don't care. Moving on... here's the highlights (and a little low lights) of the past 10 days:
1. we wake to natures alarm clock, or make that "I" wake - Darren sleeps through everything. We have 4 roosters next door to us and whoever says they start at the crack of dawn is sorely mistaking - there's no crack of anything and freakin' 4 in the morning
2. we all love the neighborhood. I had about 10 kids over at my house on Mon. Each of my kids have about 3 other kids their age on the street. I think I might have the smallest family out here... fun for all:) The women I've met so far are all around my age and they all seem really nice. I told Darren I was so worried that I was going to be the only one with all my teeth on the street but alas, it is not so. I can tell already that I'm gonna like this place.
3. I think the 13 year old boy down the street has a little crush on me (coo coo cachoo, Mrs. Robinson...) I'll keep you posted on this one. I'm sure once he sees me without my makeup it will be a whole nother story. Better to prep the lad for the future - watch out buddy, gravity takes over at 30!
4. I will never again have a clean car - the dirt road will see to that one
5. Even in the country there's gossip, infidelity and drama. I moved into the house termed by the neighbors as Melrose Place...LOVELY. Loved the show - didn't want to be in it though. More to come on this story as well.
6. Gas in the country is about $.25 a gallon cheaper - HALLELUJAH! I can actually afford to drive places again.
7. The kids really love their school (now that they're finally going) We have year round out here and we missed the first rotation and had to wait until Sept. 8 to finally go. We were all pretty sick of each other by then (and I mean that in the nicest, most loving Mommy way) Year round school sounds pretty good, but ask me again when my kids are off again for 4 weeks at Thanksgiving!
8. I told Darren that the next time I move it will be in a pine box, feet first! (thanks Grandpa Bob) I HATE, HATE, HATE moving and my family hates that I'm a Nazi about unpacking.
9. Cable is good, cable is very good. Yeah, I'm in the country surrounded by goats, sheep, horses, chickens, freakin roosters, and lama's and we still need our cable. Glad to have you back baby.
10. We're going to the demolition derby this weekend. I already purchased my first pair of Wranglers and I'm going to bedazzle them later. I may be country folk now but I still love my sparkle.
There you have it. To sum it up: Country life good, moving bad. As soon as I've cleared out the boxes and put things where I want I'll take some before pictures. This is going to be fun!


Natalie said...


Where did you move? It sounds like it is way out in the country. Do you have running water? Hope you get settled in soon and start posting picts of your remodeling! Can't wait to see before and after photos.

You need to get you some chickens, your kids can collect organic eggs each morning before school! Love it!

Leslie said...

I'm sure we've all missed your blogging, but I didn't realize just how much until I was laughing my butt off today! ;-) You are one funny woman! ;-) We missed you at "Ann-with-an-E" night the other night! Get that unpacking done so you can descend our way to visit sometime soon! :-)

Jenni said...

Thanks for posting (finally)! Love hearing about all your new adventures in country living. The city girl goes country--I LOVE IT. Sounds like you are all fitting it in nicely. Can't wait to see pics!

Jorg Family said...

Wow, i didn't think you were that serious about moving to the country, but sounds like you've become a country girl. Now you just need a few cows and horses to take care of and you'll be set.

Janan said...

eeks! I've only encountered a black widow one time and i am still traumatized by the experience!

Diane said...

Your post is hilarious! Can't wait for the country stories. Do people dress up for church?

Jessica said...

Please....please... please tell me you are going to get some sort of farm animal - goat, chickens, or a duck named Michele? I hear the eggs are great!