R.I.P. ,You @$#!* Week!
Yeah, yeah, yeah...so it's been a little while, alright a LONG while since my last post but I have a lot of good excuses, well not really, but I didn't have easy access to a computer for most the time during our almost 4 week stay at my sister-in-law's, and it turns out that makes a big difference. (That's got to be the longest run on sentence if I ever saw one!) Our 11 day stay at Donna's turned into a 4 week sleepover but we had so much fun. The Zimmerman's we so gracious and made us feel like we weren't the huge burdens that I'm sure we were for the entire 4 weeks we were there. I cringed when I had to tell her that my parents house wouldn't be done for another 2 weeks but they were great and said it was not a problem. Between the endless hours of Guitar Hero ( I'm actually getting better at it and like to play it now), couch critique-ing American Idol, laughing/teasing with the nieces it was all in all a good time and I had a lot of fun with them. Now, don't get me wrong, the title of my post has nothing to do with my in-laws. This past week has got to go down in history as one of our worst weeks and just when we thought it couldn't get any worse... you get the point. It started off Mon. with a letter from Lehi City (power,water, waste all around fun bill), well what I thought was a letter anyway. I opened it thinking maybe with the move and all the bills we payed we're getting a refund for overpayment. NOPE! It seems someone missed Math 101 over there and when calculating our equal pay they undercharged us by almost half - what the?! I get a bill for almost $850. I called thinking this had to be a mistake, there must be another Darren Springer family that doesn't pay their bills ontime and they got us mixed up, come on. The lady on the other end has nothing to say but a "you still gotta pay" speech and nothing I said made it any better, ahhhhh! Tuesday morning I wake up in such pain I can barely drive the kids to school and count the minutes down until my 10 :15 appointment with the chiropractor. It seems that with all the moving I did I royally messed up my neck/back area causing 2 ribs to dislocate and push on my left lung. If it wasn't so painful I might actually enjoy they way I manage to shock the doc every time I go in for an adjustment, but in the meantime I'm shelling out 40 bucks a pop (literally) once a week for him to take 5 minutes and put me back together again. In the last month my chiropractor bill has almost tripled! Wed. a freak snow storm hits and leaves Darren stranded a mere 5 minutes from home on the Alpine Hwy for over 41/2 hours. The snow is so bad that it was a complete white out and dozens of drivers were forced to "abandon" their cars and seek shelter in the nearest gas station. Lucky for Darren, Donna and her husband Mark were on a mission to rescue him and after several attempts and a lot of off road-ing they were successful and brought him home. Darren and Mark headed back there later that night to dig out his car but cops were blocking all access and telling everyone to go home. The next morning (Valentines Day) we headed over there and again were met by Lehi's finest and told all cars were being towed, no exception. We were given the phone numbers of 8 different towing companies and started calling trying to locate what is now the biggest-pain-in-the-butt-car-ever-made and found it only to discover the tow charge was $225 - NO EXCEPTIONS, oh and we'll charge an additional $15 every day it stays on the lot. We get to the tow place and Darren can't get the car started so he lifts up the hood and finds mounds of snow. You can't even see the enguine, just snow. Dig a little, more snow. Snow, snow and more freakin' snow! We get enough scraped away to get some jumper cables on it and the battery is shot. We had to push the dang car off the lot (to avoid any more charges) and pushed it down the street until we could figure out what we could do next. Darren borrows his mom's car for work the next day and I agree to take her to her hair appointment, sure why not? The kids are out of school and before I know it I'm running late and have to race to her house to pick her up. Wouldn't you know it, yet another of Lehi's finest is sitting pretty at the 4 way stop and sees me racing down the hill and barely pause before turning at the intersection and flips his lights sending my heart beat to almost fatal. Of course he's there, why wouldn't he be, this is after all the best week ever and it is my luck to be on my way to taking my mother in law to her hair appointment when I have on no makeup, my grubby clothes, no shower oh and no drivers license! Seat belt, what seat belt? He asks for my address and of course I can't give it to him, I'm freakin homeless. I almost want to get out and take a bow to the gods of bad luck and shout "You win!", but instead I manage a short, quivering explanation and he lets me off with a warning!!!! Can you believe it?! I drive off at about 5 mph using all my correct turn signals ( I almost rolled down my window and did the hand gestures but figured that might take it too far) praying that this week would soon be over. It is, I'm better, and now I can move on. If your still reading this then you must really love me and you know I love you back!
OK, that has to be the FUNNIEST post I've ever read!! Not that your bad luck is my amusement -- but surely you can see how funny all of that was -- or maybe more time needs to pass first! ;-)
Oh Emily, what a week. Look at it this way, it can only get better right? I do have to say it was fun to read, it made me laugh. I am not laughing at you but with you!!! Have a better week this week.
I was wondering where you were?? Sorry about the yucky week. It seems as though bad luck comes in bundles. I'm sure you have a better week ahead!
I hope this week goes better for you!
Hopefully now that you're at your parents house, you can relax and take a deep breath before yet another move!
Enjoy this time of no mortgage :)
Get out! (while shoving you back) That almost doesn't sound real. Are you sure you didn't get this story from a Desperate Housewives episode? Crazy!!!
I think I'm mose pissed off about the car stuck and then them saying it HAS to be towed. I'm mad about that. Hope your next week is better. I'm sick as a dog and I'm throwing a birthday party for Brock here tomorrow - that sucks...
Em...that sucks! I can't believe all of that happened and I am only hearing about it now. I remember that snow day...Joe and I were so annoyed with all of the "breaking news" (cause it was interrupting our shows)...We didn't even think about Darren getting stuck and what not. I am so sorry. Well I am glad this week has been better, although you did forget to admit that you were sick this week. I am feeling a little better today so you better plan on me and joe visiting you on Sunday! PARTY!
I'm just now reading this -- I'm sorry life has been so hard lately! Forgive me for being so out of touch -- hence my abandoned blog. Hope things are looking up.
I am so sorry! I was caught between cringing and laughing as I read. Cringing because it was so awful and, sadly, I can relate! And laughing because it was so unbelievably awful and, sadly, I can relate all too well! I was sorry to hear you were sick--I'm just recovering from some awful flu and laryngitis so I hope you get better sooner than I did!
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