Friday, July 18, 2008

We're taking off to ride the snake this weekend...

No, not that snake silly! This one...

The Snake River in Wyoming. We haven't done any of this...

in almost 10 years. We white water rafted every summer with various groups of family and friends and we always had such a fun time. We haven't been back since Reilly was a baby and now, 10 years later we're ready to ride the rapids - with 4 kids in tow!!!! I'm a little nervous about taking any of my kids down the river, it gets pretty rough at some points, hello Lunch Counter!, but I'm going to wait until I actually see the water run before I decide who's going down. I am bringing life jackets for all 4 of them though, so who knows. All I do know is that whether it's the older 2 only or all 4, they will all be tucked down deep inside and maybe even tied to my wrist. Like I said, it's all still a maybe - but you know what's NOT a maybe? all the fun we're going to have with Darren's sister and brother and their families. (I think it's going to be about 20 people total?!)


Wendy said...

Wow! You are crazy... I mean adventurous! I can't wait for some great pictures. No editing this time ;)

Jenni said...

Yes, take lots of pics! I hope you guys have a great time!!

Jessica said... sounds like a real adventure

Diane said...

I know you all came back alive, but let's hear the details!