Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just A Few Questions...

After participating in the blogging world for about 9 months now I have a few questions.

1. Why do women refer to their kids by their first initial? Is this the new trend? Is it supposed to sound cool, chic or sophisticated? I can't tell you how many people are doing it. It sounds silly to me, but whatever. -E

2. Why are some women constantly posting about how hot, sexy and hansome their "hubby" is? Again, you sound ridiculous and if you have to keep stating it then who are you trying to convince?

3. Is the blog just another form of a popularity contest for some people? I think most of you have someone in mind after you read this, right?!

4. Is it crazy and unimaginable to leave comments on someone's blog who you love to read, even if they don't know you? You know you have your favorite blogs you stalk much...I know I do.

5. Is it the new way to tell someone they've offended you by taking them off your "blogging friends" list? Again, heard way too many stories for this to be a rare thing. I mean, come on people, junior high is so in the past.

I'm not pointing any fingers, well maybe I am. I certinally am not trying to offend anyone though. Just some observations I've made that I couldn't resist commenting about.


Janan said...

I'm going to go search my blog and see if I've ever referred to the sexiness of my hubby....seriously I am scared. I occassionally leave comments on stalked blogs. They'll erase me if I offend their senses right? And I've seen the bragging blogs where you get a list only of the fabulous things they've bought. And the Initial thing? I think some do it for privacy...not quite revealing their child's name. I think I tried for one post then went, oh well. only my family is going to read this anyway. My defense against the privacy issue; just write about boring uninteresting stuff. p.s. forget abt the van, not worth the effort. -J

Jenni said...

Too funny.
Are people's lives, husbands, children, wardrobes, vacations really as fabulous as they make them sound? Probably not.

Blog envy is rampant(I have succumbed a time...or two) and I can see what you mean by popularity contests- I am curious to compare notes!

It's good to know that if I've ever offended you, I'll know if my super name has been removed from your super list!

Wendy said...

Too funny. I say leave a comment on your favorite blog. You don't have to do it on every post but just drop a line so they know you're out there. Otherwise it feels like eavesdropping.

Jenni said...

Oh, and I like this posting daily thing. Maybe you should do it 20 times in 20 days.....????

Emily said...

I don't think the initial thing is a way of keeping some annonymity - they have all their names and pics everywhere else on the bog. I think it's more a trendy thing,

Elena said...

Great post -- great observations. It's so lame that everyone is trying to compete when they know I have the hottest hubby of all time. Love you, hunny! Mmmwaaa! (Like our husbands read this. drrr!)