What A Day
Yesterday started off like any other day...wait, let me start again. Yesterday was going to be a very good day. It was the last full day before the kids went off track for the next 4 weeks so I was going to make the most of the day. I had planned a trip to Gardner Village, lunch at Archibald's and a stop by a few home decorating stores...yeah, a very good day in my book. I was just about to get in the shower when Ryann comes in and tells me it's "dripping water in the hallway but she'll fix it." Okay, thanks....WAIT, what?! I go to see that the smoke detector in the hallway has a steady drip. Of course this happens when Darren is out of town. I call him and he tells me to leave it and he'll check it out tomorrow when he gets home. "Are you sure?" I put the bowl under the drip and immediately another drip starts from my bedroom door. 5 different leaks later I'm on the phone with our home warranty dept. and they say it's a roof leak and it's nothing they can help me with. "But it's yellow - YELLOW water people!" The bowls are quickly filling so I get the number of the plumber and he tells me it's probably the roof. Again I tell him the water is YELLOW - it looks as though I'm collecting pee samples in my bedroom - do you sense the urgency?! He "assures" me it's plain water that's seeping through my insulation thus becoming yellow... yeah, whatever. I'm getting no where fast with this route so I call my home insurance and they schedule a team to come out that afternoon - meanwhile elephants are peeing in my attic! I keep an eye on the rising levels of water and dump and switch as needed. The team comes a little early (yea!) but I'm still in pajama's, no bra and skipped brushing my teeth (dude!) but I didn't care. One look at the mess and he tells me it's the swamp cooler. "Did you winterize it?" DUDE!!! We know nothing about swamp coolers other then it was going to be the first thing to go. I swear you could hear crickets chirping as I stood and stared at him with the word idiot across my forehead. The two guys head up to the attic (first we had to find the access, again idiot) and they find that it was in fact the water line to the swamp cooler but it wasn't because we were idiots, the pipe was damaged and it would've happened eventually. (preferably after we sold the house...I did not just say that!) We got the water shut off, after another fun game of hide and seek, and then the clean-up began. They started ripping out piles of insulation in the attic and tearing out baseboards in the hallway and master bedroom so they could set up industrial fans to blow air into the walls the dry out the drywall. The guy said that normally the water is concentrated in one spot but in this case it seemed to take a little water in a lot of different directions. "You don't see that too often." Of course not, allow me to introduce myself. If it's going to happen to anyone, anywhere...well, you get the picture. 5 hours, 3 men, 1 destroyed house later I am now living with 15, count them 15!!!, industrial fans and 2 dehumidifiers in my house going 24 hours a day for 3-5 days! They are so loud it sounds like you're on the tarmac at the airport. You can't hear anything else within 10 feet of them and when you have them surrounding the bedrooms both upstairs and downstairs it makes for a very noisy home.
Why does it always happen when the husbands are gone?! I'm so sorry to hear about the rain inside your house :( May it get cleaned up quickly, dried up without anymore damage, and quietly taken away... and then you're welcome to come for a visit :)!!!
Oh no, not yellow rain! That must have been horrible!! And with Darren out of town too---not so fun.
(Have I ever told you that you have a talent for story telling? I love the way you write, I am always laughing out loud!)
Most importantly, did you end up making it to Gardner Village for lunch at Arch's and shopping??!!
NO way! That sucks! Just want to remind you to tell all your readers your other story that's a TOPPER! Remember?
So sorry!!! What a pain. Hope everything gets fixed quickly.
I am really sorry. We lived through a similar leak in Roxborough. We had a leak in our hot water line and had to rip up a section of our brand new wood floor. We lived through the fans as well and all I can say is just be home as little as possible. You NEVER get used to the roar.
Emily, I just realized that I do really love you because I read the entire "Blogging Funk" post til the very end. I love that you narrate in your head. I love how you write. Hope your situation improves soon.
Heather Ashton Redding
eeksie! I know how that is. The moment Michael leaves everything breaks, floods, or blowsup. We have had 3 floods in our basement since our move here, 2 years ago!
That's horrible! I am so sorry! I have to admit how glad I am to know that we are not the only clueless homeowners. Three years in our house and we're still not sure where the filter goes in the furnace... Um, just kidding--that's one of my friends!
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