Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blogging Funk

So, as many of you have probably noticed (and some of you have made sure to let me know just how much you've noticed:) I haven't posted much in the past 6 weeks or so. I can't really put a finger on way exactly but to sum it up I just haven't been in the mood. Don't get me wrong - I'm reading your posts as soon as you post them but that's as far as the blogging goes. It's kind of funny, I blog inside my head ALL THE TIME. For as long as I can remember I've had an ongoing narration inside my head, so it probably explains why blogging comes so naturally for me. What you see on the screen is literally the narration from inside my head. Does anyone else do this? Am I crazy? I go through my life with a narrator inside my head - sometimes it's in my voice but sometimes it's that voice from all the movie trailers...that one that makes every movie seem like it's the best movie ever made. Yeah, that one. Anyways, this is normal for me and I'm putting it out there, taking into consideration that you may never look at me the same way again, but trying to explain that to me I've never stopped blogging. This would be fine except for the fact that the 2 reasons I take the time to do this is 1)to stay connected to my family and friends and 2)to keep some sort of record of my crazy life so keeping this in mind this whole blogging in my head thing isn't doing the job. now that I've completely confused you and rambled on a little too much about my "inner commentary" I'll move on...
Here's a little peek into what I've been up to this past month (Reader's Digest version)
-I am tired (with a capital T) of having my house on the market. It's always on the craziest days that someone wants to come see the house. It's never been the day when I haven't had anything to do but clean the house and make it look like something from a magazine. If I leave in a hurry without making my bed or cleaning the kitchen then you better believe I'm going to get a call that someone wants to come see the house. I guess I shouldn't complain, at least people are coming - but whatever, I'm venting - my next post will be all rainbows and butterflies
-I cried in the car the other day while listening to Dr. Laura. When I say cry I don't mean a little tear trickling down my cheek - I mean full out pull over to the side of the road ugly cry. A lady wrote in about her daughter's 13 year old best friend. His parents told the kids they were getting a divorce and his reaction was to hang himself in the hopes of bringing his parents back together for the sake of the other siblings. I think divorce affects kids more then we'll ever know and this poor boy couldn't handle it. This story hit home in so many ways - my heart still hurts just typing about it. I can't think about it right now.
-I have been obsessed with this election. Every night Darren gets a run down of what I've learned that day and my many opinions on the matter. I've listened to Rush and Glenn more in the past 2 months then I have in the past two years. I've always been strongly patriotic but never before have I been so aggressive in my research and reading. I voted today and made Darren go vote with me (first time ever!!!). I'm trying not to have it encompass my life right now but it's all I can think about and I think I'm going to have to go to bed early Tues. night because my nerves will be shot and my stomach in knots.
-We got the news that Jacob was placed in an accelerated reading and math program and Reilly was named student of the month both on the same day. Also a post card came in the mail from Reilly's teacher about how well she's doing in class - again, same day. It was a very good day. Darren and I are so proud of our kids and we hope this is only a sample of the great things to come from them.
-I was sick with the flu a week ago Sunday and the bishopric asked Darren if we would speak the following Sunday. I felt like absolute crap but couldn't think of a good enough excuse to get out of it. Unfortunately with all our moving this year we have had ample opportunity to speak in different wards - can't wait for Texas! Anyways, I thought I would go tanning since my skin was resembling something in a petri dish. Even though I was still under the weather Tues. night I decided I'd still go, after all, I'm just going to lay there the whole time, right? I get totally burned (we're talking lobster red) and the next morning I wake to something forming on my lip. Seriously?! I look up fever blisters and the top 3 causes are 1. sun 2. illness 3. stress!!!! Dude, I did everything but specifically sign up for the thing. Perfect timing, of course. It's now over a week later a despite the very expensive topical cream and the pills that are the size of a Chiclet I still have this monstrosity on my face!!! People are barely looking me in the eye again.

Okay, so if you're still reading this then you must either be a glutton for punishment or else you really love me. This post was too much venting so my next post will be better/lighter. Maybe I'll post about what happened on the first showing of my house a couple weeks ago...remind me. I have to be in the mood to write about it but I think it rivals my underwear story, maybe...
Thanks for hanging in there with me and hopefully soon I will pull out of this funk - maybe Nov. 5 will do it for me...maybe not. There's so much at stake - ahh, feeling nauseous, stomach hurts!!Here's to keeping my fingers crossed.


Jenni said...

Welcome back! I've missed you. thanks for the updates, and just so you know, you are not alone with the ongoing narration in your head! I'll say no more.

I also listen to Glenn every chance I get (usually in the car dropping/picking up kids) and like you, I have knots in my stomach. It's such an important election, and so much of our children's future is riding on it. Scary times we live in.

I can't wait to hear the home-showing story. I love your stories! This comment is as long as one now, so I'll stop typing now.

Tracy said...

Alright! It's good to have you back.

Anne Marie said...

Good luck with everything!!! I HATE moving and selling a house. Hope everything falls into place soon so you can come down to Texas.

Anne said...

It's great to here you're out there. I was wondering where you had gone.

Sorry, your life is crazy. Your post made me laugh, I wish I could do the same for you...but the BIG difference is that you are funny and I am not.

I'm with you on the politics. The 5th can't come soon enough.

Wendy said...

We've been sick too. No voice with toddlers, not good. I voted last night too. Pray, pray,pray! Is Darren for sure taking that job? I haven't heard much recently.

Jules said...

Glad to have you back and if this blog is what the voices in your head produce than I say keep the crazy coming. Can't wait to hear any story that rivals the granny underwear/lockerroom hilarity.

Jessica said...

I was wondering why you didn't post any pictures - then I read about your face... thanks!

Stacy Sorensen said...

I to have been on a blogging vacation. So, I never judge. But you are one of the funniest people I know so I do miss your inner voice. Hope things brighten up for you. As for the house guest on your face... just imagine the swelling is intentional and then when you look in the mirror you'll see Angelina Jolie lips.

Diane said...

I don't think you're a bit crazy. I read all of it because I love you. Wendy's right, we need to pray, pray, pray.