Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Better Late Then Never

Well our house is on the market and for now they are using the pictures from before so I thought I'd post them so you guys can see the house. My kids still don't know and I asked our realtor not to put a sign out front until next week so that we could have the weekend to tell our neighbors. Here's what I fell in love with:
This kitchen was the selling point for me - love it, love it, love it!

We had 2.5" blinds put in so it looks even better now:) Oh, I had so many ideas. I wanted to paint the cabinets a cream color, stain them and add bronze knobs and pulls. We also wanted to replace the new tile with hand scrapped wood floors and replace the 2 light fixtures with large plantation fans. (Reilly and Jacob couldn't understand why we didn't like the brass and glass chandelier...)
This is the front room and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the fireplace - either take rock all the way up or else build a huge mantle (this one was too narrow to place much of anything on, that simply won't do). I wanted to bulid bookshelves on both sides and I already bought the chocolate brown silk fabric for long curtains.

This is the 2nd kitchen right off the main one (apartment kitchen) and I love keeping all my overstock in here - totally beats heading to the basement for a can of cream of chicken soup.

Oh the endless possibilities for this property . Everyday Darren would come up with a new idea for our backyard: full size football field, bring in mounds of dirt for a 4 wheelin' obstacle course, orchard of fruit trees, etc. So glad we don't have to debate the football field because he seemed serious and excited about that one.

Well there you go, there's our house. I had so many ideas and didn't even get to start decorating. I'll survive though. Here's a couple of houses we're looking at in Texas

I guess it's true what they say about Texas - GO BIG OR GO HOME! (I think I'm going to like it there:)


Jenni said...

Thanks for the pics of the house! I can totally see the charm and it would have been awesome to see what you could do with it! As for the new houses--holy cow---those are huge.

Are you ever gonna call me back??

Stacy Sorensen said...

Do you think I too old to be adopted? Seriously, take me with you. OH and by the way if your current house (soon to be old house)is a blank canvas that needs work (I think it looks beautiful)then I don't think you should ever come visit my East Coast Bungalow. It would just be slummin' after those Texas mansions. I am super excited to see which on you get. Just save the house next door for me.

Kaylene said...

I hear there in Texas you can get alot of house for you money! You better make sure and tell Darren you need a pool to go along with your big ol house! Besides, it is so freakin hot there! I love your home now, how awesome is that to have an additional kitchen? Let the house hunting begin!

Janan said...

Wow, I don't check the blogs for just a few days and so much happens! Congratulations! How much longer do we get you for? I need a big party. I am scared, Em. Texas? huh.

Anonymous said...

Emily, I grew up in TX and it's true that you can get so much more house for your money in most areas. My parents live in a 4000 sq foot home that costs LESS than our 1800 square foot home here in Utah. By the way, what city are you moving to? I could probably tell you some things about it. And ironically, I know that top house, the builder anyway. They do wonderful houses. This is Ashley Swindler by the way, but I'm posting anonymously because I can't remember my dang google password!

Wendy said...

I don't know if better late then never actually applies in the case but whatev. He houses look nice once I got out my magnifying glass. Send me some links Yo!

Diane said...

I'm so happy for you, but you have to know my heart is breaking at the same time. Thanks for the long walks we had all summer. Are you sure you have to take all your kids with you?

Jules said...

Wow, great kitchen! Good luck on selling and house hunting in Texas.

Gonzalez Mama said...

Wow Texas, that's crazy! I have heard great things about it down there and have some friends from high school that live there. Everyone seems to love it there.

Henry was just in dallas for 2 weeks doing 737 training - he went down the week the Benches were moving, so he missed them by a couple of days.

Good luck with the move - not the funnest thing to do! Tell Darren we said hello and congrats on the new job.


Anne said...

Wow Emily, a lot has happened. I love the house pictures the TWO kitchens are to die for!! I can't believe you're already on to bigger and better things.

I'm sure you're crazy busy right now but I'll be watching your blog for all the exciting details.

Good luck with everything~