Saturday, January 5, 2008

It Was Bound To Happen...

...sooner or later! Christmas break was fun, crazy, cold and busy so when Jan. 2 rolled around I wasn't thinking to clearly. The kids went to bed on time the night before and were accepting the sad truth that school was starting the next day. Darren woke them up bright and early at 6:30 a.m. and they were dressed and ready for school when I came downstairs a little later to make their lunches and drive them to school. It was about 17 degrees outside when we headed out to the car and off to school. The kids were excited to see their friends and I was really excited to get some serious packing done and have some peace and quiet around the house. I'm noticing that there is not the typical morning school traffic and chalk it up to everyone else must be running a little late. I pass the school cross walk and think - huh, I wonder where the crossing guard is? She must be a little late as well. Not me, I'm good, I'm on the ball, I'm hitting the ground running... so on and so on. I turn the corner heading straight for the school and that's when it really hits me that NO ONE is here. Did I look at the clock wrong? I couldn't have looked at the calender wrong...or could I have? I quickly turn around and head home to embarrassed to call anyone, they are all probably enjoying the last day of Christmas break and sleeping in. Reilly and Jacob are so bugged, not grateful they didn't have to go to school after all, but annoyed that they woke early for no reason (yeah, me too, get over it). We walk in the house and I turn on the computer to check the school calender...NO SCHOOL!!! Apparently I had Jan 2nd in my head thinking first day back and not last day of break. Reilly and Jacob immediately call Darren at work to make him aware of what according to them is the biggest mistake anyone has ever made in the history of the world!!!! I just head back upstairs, throw my body on the bed, pillow over my head and prep myself for 1 more day of I'm bored's and I'm hungry's...Happy freakin' New Year to me!


Jorg Family said...

Don't you hate it when that happens...gosh, one more morning of sleeping in. Oh well. Congrats on selling your house. I can't believe how much the neighborhood is changing. Hoping you have a fabulous new year!

Tracy said...

That is really funny! I love thatyou went back to bed once you got home, I would have done the same thing.

Wendy said...

Ha Ha Ha! That sucks on all ends. Glad it wasn't me.

Jenni said...

I was so excited for one more day of sleeping in, but my mom thought school was starting that day and woke us all up early...thanks mom.

Janan said...

LOL. EM- you crack me up!

Jessica said...

That's funny. If it makes you feel any better I have now forgotten TWICE that Thursdays are "Early Out Days" and I'm just out and about while Paige is waiting for me - once at school the other at my house... I suck worse. At least you can keep track of your 4 kids - why did I have 3??? I can't even keep track of them.

Jules said...

Emily, I read this story a while ago but got distracted before I could comment I guess. Hilarious--reminds me of one of my siblings getting up and showering before the first day of school only to find out it was still only 11:30pm the night before!

Anne Marie said...

Very hilarious! Jared and I have told each other so many times, "wish Emily lived closer so we could get her ideas for decorating our house". You have such a natural talent. Wish I had a fraction of it!

Amber said...

Your page by far is the best. I love the background. How are things?

Amber said...

Your page by far is the best. I love the background. How are things?

Anonymous said...

I think that we all have those moments of brain malfunctions. Jack and Lily's school starts the day at 9:10 in the morning. I have a hard time remembering that because in my mind why not start at 9:00, right? Well, last year I was driving Jack to school and looked at the clock and it said 9:00 and for some reason I panicked and thought he was late. This made Jack freak out and he made me promise to walk him into his class. I looked back at those brown eyes that were filled with anxiety and told him I would. I was in my pajamas, not showered, glasses on, bed head and all. I decide that my son is more important than pride and walk him into the school and down to his class. We get there to see the teacher at her desk and no kids in class. I ask "where is everybody?". She says, "lining up, school doesn't start for 10 more minutes." Needless to say I have never driven my kids to school in my pajamas again.