Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wendy and Jessica and Me - Make Three

So I have to laugh just a little. I finally got on to check emails and blogs today after a long absence and what do I find - everyone else is reading Twilight and probably ignoring the rest of the world along with me. After checking out well over 15 book stores trying to find this book that everyone is talking about I finally found it (thanks to a shipment that arrived about 10 minutes before I walked through the doors of Seagull Book) and started reading it on Sat. I was frustrated because I had to teach on Sun. and school was starting for my kids on Tues. and Darren was going out of town for two nights - so it didn't leave a lot of free time for reading. To make a long story short I haven't been to bed before 12:30 a.m. since Sun night and was up until nearly 2 a.m. finishing off this first book in what seems to be a wonderful series. I had my doubts about how much I would enjoy this book since it seemed to be mainly a love story and vampires - two story lines that I tend to avoid - I need murder, and mystery and all the adrenaline that comes with the twists and turns in a good Koonz or Patterson book. After the first couple chapters I was hooked on Twilight and I already found New moon and purchased that just so I didn't have to wait even a day to continue on the journey of Bella and Edward. I'm pathetic right now and I had to make myself promise not to start New Moon until I clean my house - jeez I don't know if I'm going to make it. My poor family is ignored but until I can "satisfy my thirst" (now that's cheesy) for this series they are just going to have to manage without me. time I come up for air I'll fill you in on New Moon and my school girl crush on Edward Cullen:)


Jules said...

Welcome to the club! Keep reading, it just keeps getting better.

Tracy said...

You want to know something funny...after we left your house last night, I had to go hometeaching with Joe. THe wife of the couple we home taught just finished reading all three of the books and was trying to commit me to read them...Joe and I couldn't help but laugh. I guess I'll just have to try it out...can I borrow yours to see if it is something I am willing to purchase...I am honestly scepticle about it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Emily,
Haven't talked to you in a while! Thought I'd check your blog to see what you've been up too. I have Eclipse if you want to borrow it-I finished all three in record time! Hope all is well, call me sometime.

Wendy said...

Tracy, I've be sceptical too. That's probably why it took me so long to start reading them. Give it a try for sure.

Jamie! said...

I love them too! I take pride in being the first one in this family to read them. I can't say I talked anyone else into reading them, because they already planned to, but at least I was first! I now own all three books! They are so fun to read, and it's a story I could read over and over...(I've already read them twice...)We should do like a book club about them!

Jamie! said...

And I have a question. Do you make those cute bracelets at the top? How much are they?

Janan said...

Love the twilight series! I got the 3rd book the night it came out and ofcousr read it ignoring everyone and everything else. I seriously need to have adiscussion with people after Eclipse is read. okay? please? I have issues.