Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Hills Are Alive...

Last night I took Reilly and Jacob (along with my mother-in-law and niece) to the Lehi Arts production of The Sound of Music. My kids weren't familiar with the movie but they were still excited to go. They kept asking me if it was a scary play or a funny one, if it had music or dancing and so on. I'm such a neglectful mom - what kid doesn't know the Sound of Music? After each act Reilly would whisper "Is it over?" it's her first play and she's not familiar with the various acts and stage changes. She really loved the music and even Jacob thought it was good. (I think he like the candy I bought best though.) I thought it was good for a local production and it made me realize that even though it's been FOREVER since I last watched the movie I still know all the words to the songs - they just make me happy. I'm excited to start taking my kids to different plays and introducing them to one of my most favorite things - the theater. on a side note we're putting The Sound of Music on our Blockbuster list so that the kids can see it with Julie Andrews - no one beats her as Maria.


Wendy said...

I picked up a copy a few months ago on DVD at Costco. Classic-must have! Ok, Emily. Don't make me blog stalk you, I'm dying to see a picture of Ryann's new hair cut. I know she looked cute for church today?!?!?!?!

Janan said...

That's one we've had for a few years now. Definitely a slacker!

Tracy said...

Such a good movie... I bet I could sing a long to every song too! When are you going to take Reilly to see Hairspray, I still want to go! Or do you just want me to take her?