Wednesday, April 2, 2008

You Mess With The Bull, You Get...

We just got a sneak peek at the upcoming Swimsuit Edition for Sports Illustrated that my sister Jessica worked on for weeks. It was so hush - hush, the location, the photographer...everything. I'm so proud of all her hard work. How she manages to be a mom to three kids and model on the side is just beyond me. She has a great balance and does everything with such grace. I'm so proud of you, Sis - keep up the good work.


Jessica said...

I have tears... actual tears as I laugh at this picture. Don't you love post baby bathing suit photos. Thanks for the diet motivation - just when I started to loose steam I see this to keep me going.

Oh just wait. I'll be up there in a matter of days with a camera - I get up aweful early... hope you sleep with make-up and shower fully dressed!

Kaylene said...

Emily, it sounds like you better make other sleeping arrangements when she comes to visit. Posting that is like sending out an invitation!!

Tracy said...

Oh wow, Em you are bold now. Jess will be up here soon, and if she's snapping pictures, I don't want to be anywhere in site. That's the last thing I would want, is my 7 months pregnant hanging out in the background.

Elena said...

Ditto -- I totally have tears I'm laughing so hard. That's one of the worst pictures of Jessica I've seen in a long time. I've got one of Jessica from my wedding that has a Special Ed-ition face as well. Let me just wave my flag now and surrender just in case anyone was wondering... Crimeny!

Leslie said...

Wow... I am SO VERY GLAD that I don't have any sisters! ;-)

Emily said...

snap away Jess, snap away... I'm not scared. BRING IT ON!!!!
(Leslie, you have to know how much fun the two of us are having, we both can take it. We grew up in a family of 5 girls, this is nothing.)

Amber said...

Oh, my gosh. I have no idea what's going on but I'm loving every minute of it. Haven't laughed this hard in a while. Jess, that picture is, um, there are no words. Stunning!

Janan said...

laughing...laughing so hard I can barely typee. oh, it's good to be back on the blooging world!