Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Few Of My Favorite Things...

One of my favorite things about blog-hopping is discovering new products, books and music that others love. I can't tell you how often someone has recommended a great read or fabulous site and I'm pleasantly surprised at the new find. Here's some random things (some old, some new) that I absolutely love - let me know what you think.

Wen by Chaz Dean
I'm in LOVE with this hair care system. It's not often that I'm blown away by a product after the first time I use it but this stuff is definitely worth the $$.
Bare Minerals
I've been a fan of this stuff for almost 3 years now and was so excited to find that I can buy it at Nordstrom now - I literally made a sound of glee when I saw the counter - now how often does that happen? The best makeup on the market and I've already converted many, are you next?
I'm obsessed with this color at the moment. I wasn't a fan 2 years ago when my sister Tracy had this for one of her wedding colors but who new...she was so ahead of the times:) I'm still on the lookout for more so if you spot anything in this color (especially shoes or jewelery) call me!

Best protein drink mix I've ever had - and I've tried a lot. (I'm throwing up a little just thinking about some of them now!) Thanks to the sistas for turning me on to this "if you're going to diet it might as well taste good" drink - lip smackin' good.

For years I saw Joy Mangano peddle these on TV. I thought they looked good, but not good enough to spend $50 on 100 or so. I found these little gems at Target and felt like I could start off with a 5 pack. These are the best hangers - nothing falls off of them - NOTHING! I love that my wide neck shirts stay put. Totally worth the $5 I spent.

So how's that for totally random things that I love and wanted to spread the word about? You'll have to let me know if you ever try any of this stuff - oh, and share some of your faves on your blog, you know I'll be checking:)


Wendy said...

The shakes have gotten me through these last 5 weeks of body for life. LOVE it.

Jenni said...

I just bought the ten pack of hangers for $1 at wal-mart, and 7 of them broke.
I need to get me some of those fancy things...

Kaylene said...

Hey woman, do let us know where to get the delish protein shake mix. I have still yet to find one that doesn't make me dread drinking it.

Emily said...

The drink mix is called Designer Whey. My sister found it at Smith's and my friend Jenni said you can get it at GNC. Drink up and be skinny all you lovely ladies.