Saturday, March 29, 2008

No Autographs, Please...

So unless you've been hiding under a rock lately then you've heard of Guitar Hero and probably even played it. This past Christmas Santa surprised our family with the Nintendo Wii with the sole purpose of one day being able to somehow acquire the ever illusive Guitar Hero III. While out to dinner for my birthday at the beginning of March we were finally able to get out hands on this addicting, arthritic inducing, grandparent annoying game. I wasn't a huge fan at first simply because I don't play video games and my only attempt at trying my hands on this was met with the ever delightful comment from my 15 year old nephew "Wow, I didn't think anyone could get boo-ed out so fast!" Thank you, I try. After nights of listening to Darren, Reilly and Jacob play away and me sit on the "side lines" I had to take another stab at it. I waited 'til the kids were at school and Darren was at work and I started practicing. Ryann and Evan would sit next to me and all together we'd rock to songs from Poison, Gun's N Roses (my fave), Aerosmith and others. I would sometime play until my fingers would start to cramp (unfortunately that's only about 5 songs, thank you arthritis) but slowly I started passing songs and moving down the list. I can now say I play a pretty mean guitar (Wii speaking) although I never think I'll even come close to touching Reilly and Darren's records (hello 534 streak and 5 gold stars!)
Even Ryann and Evan like to get in on the action playing guitars in the sleep mode (they don't know the difference). I'm a little scared of their choice in songs though - Ryann absolutely LOVES Barracuda by Heart (with daily/hourly requests) and Evan prefers Alice Cooper's School's Out and Lay Down by Priestess. Dang, what kids can say that??? I still don't know how I feel about this. When Ryann sits down to play she shouts "Let's rock and roll Mom" then high five's me! Well, after all is said and done and despite the head banging music, it's a game we all enjoy doing together as a family. Rock On!


Leslie said...

I have yet to try this game... clearly I live under a rock! ;-)

Kaylene said...

I know what you mean, it's addicting. Michaela doesn't like to be in a band with me cause I miss too many notes. I wish they had the 80's for the Wii.

Wendy said...

Sounds like that's what we will do for family night next week.

Kim said...

I need to come practice with you in the daytime with nobody else around! We don't have a wii of our own I have only played once, with Justin and friends all watching over my back and trying to coach me at the same time. No pressure or anything. I didn't even make it through the first song---how sad!!!