Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Life Of An Excibitionist...

Anyone that knows me knows what a freak I am about my privacy so when I found out that this fabulous huge home that my parents were building wouldn't have any kind of window coverings for the first little while I was a little uneasy. I mean they designed this house with the view in mind so the put huge windows in the front of the house to maximise the lookout. It only took a few days living here before I adjusted to the concept that if you don't see them then they probably aren't there, sounds good...right???? As long as Pervy McPerverson steered clear of the Cedar Hills area I was okay and there's not much to look at in here as it is. I was surprised at how comfortable I was becoming, or how much denial I was in until a few days ago I come walking out of the bathroom, just out of the shower and in my robe, heading to the kitchen when I pass the 3 huge windows in the family room only to find around 10 men standing just outside the windows pointing at the brick work. I had to do a double take because there is no way that my luck is that bad. Yep, count them 10 men all facing the windows as I walk by in my robe that barely covers all that it needs to ...what the @#$*! I give a little head nod , yeah this is normal, and almost trip over my feet trying to make to the bedrooms. DUDE!!!! To make matters worse later that day I'm changing clothes in my room and catch some movement from the corner of my eye. I look up just in time to see a measuring tape retracting and a guy getting up off the ground. It seems that he had to measure the window wells for the window grates my parents were getting. I think maybe I'll put a tip jar out front, cause hey, I might as well earn a buck or two for my efforts.


Jessica said...

LOL!!!! You need to go out and help mom purchase some window coverings!!!! Please. I'm coming up in a few weeks and I like my privacy too.

Anonymous said...

seriously! That's unreal. What about a temperary sheet for drapes?

Janan said...

em, they are maximizing their view. put out the jar. lol

Kathy said...

I like the Jar, too...and don't forget to wave!!! LOL!

When we first moved in we bought those cheap, accordian folded, paper blinds. It takes a little folding to 'open' the curtains, but they sure kept the unexpected guests from seeing in :).

Elena said...

HAHAHA! Oh, that is so awful. I would have died. I have a few stories about my own personal birthday suit experiences, but I believe blog posts are restricted to PG-13, so I'll have to tell you another time. I feel your pain (or humiliation for that matter.)

Jenni said...

Laughing so hard! This one will go down as one of your famous 'stories'

Loved it!

Jules said...

I would die! Paul gets in big trouble if he's opened the blinds at inappropriate times. And I've never seen someone just outside my window!