Saturday, March 22, 2008

I {heart} Evan!

My sweet boy just turned 6 the other day and I couldn't pass up the chance to write about him. Besides the fact that we share the same birth month and initials (EJS) Evan and I have always had a special bond. He makes my heart happy and his smile/laugh is so infectious. I'm so proud of how far he's come - from the days when he showed signs of autism, to now...a well adjusted, intelligent and happy boy. He's been obsessed about his temper lately. Reilly and Jacob were telling jokes in the car the other day and he was laughing so hard he told them he was going to "loose his temper". What? The kids told him that it didn't make any sense, so later he asked me what his temper was. I tried explaining that it's a feeling we have when we get angry and mad. He immediately starts to cry and claims "But I get mad a lot of days. I don't want my temper to be lost." I was trying so hard not to laugh - he was so concerned. He wanted to know where his temper goes and wants to make sure it's not missing etc. For several mornings after he wakes up and asks if he still has his temper. "Yes Evan". "Oh good, I'm trying."
He is always keeping me entertained - wanting me to call him by new names like 53 (that's five-three, not fifty three) and Jinx - not your typical make believe names. He will sometimes tell me about his girlfriend Kylee (although I think they're seeing other people now) and he'll hold my hand in the car. I'm sad because he won't kiss me in front of the school anymore, even in the car when no one is around, but I am enjoying him everyday. Even though he's anti-PDA now, he will still cuddle with me at home and he's always a sucker for a back scratch. I love you so much my little man and I am blessed to call you mine, Evs the Wevs.


Kaylene said...

How cute is he? What a cute thing to be so concerned about his "temper" aren't they just so sweet and innocent? Happy belated birthday Evan!

Jenni said...

That's the cutest thing ever, losing his temper! Sometimes I wish mine would get lost!
What a handsome man he is, I can't believe he's six already...

Jenni said...

will you please tell me where you got those fab wedges????

we live 1200 miles apart, so no one will know if we have the same ones......!!!!!

Wendy said...

That's a sweet picture of Evan. He looks like he could do no wrong.