Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ohhhhhh.....I've been so sick. I caught the nasty flu that's been going around that turned into my first ever sinus infection and just when I felt well enough to get out of bed I threw my back out! Between sleeping with a box of tissues, the bed head and the gobs vapor rub under my nose you better believe I'm looking good. Watch out, this bug might be headed your direction next!


Kaylene said...

Hey Emily sorry your sick. I thought I would pass on a little tip that I learned from a girl at a party once. She said the place that absorbs things into the body the fastest is through the bottom of your feet, if you are ever congested to put vicks on the bottom of your feet (along with some socks of course) and wala stuffy head/nose gone!
Get better!

Jenni said...

Feel better soon Emily!! Wish I was there to help.....

Leslie said...

I'm so sorry Emily... let me now if there's anything I can do to help you.