Friday, April 4, 2008

No Picture This Time Folks...

...just a really, really good story.

A few years ago, my Dad was in Texas on business and had dinner at a really nice steak house. He couldn't finish his steak, so he asked the waitress to wrap it up for him and explained he wanted to bring it home for his dog. The waitress, being an animal lover herself, not only wrapped up my dad's leftover steak but went the extra mile and put in leftovers from other patrons that night. My dad ending up leaving the restaurant with quite the hefty bag-o-beef. He flew home the next day warm meat and all; and between him and my mom, they fed their dog Lucy a daily "treat" of Texas steak. It had been a few days with Lucy loving her treats when, all of a sudden, the bag disappeared! They tore the fridge apart trying to find this beef bag when Jessica comes downstairs. Apparently she got home hungry late the night before, so she ate the rest of the leftovers - "hope that's okay?" My parents didn't know what to tell her. For one, she's the hypochondriac in the family and they didn't want her to start imagining major illnesses. Two, how the @%#* do you tell someone they ate week-old leftovers from strangers' plates? (My mom was telling me this over the phone and I kept begging her to let me be the one to tell her!!!) DANG, I get sick just thinking about it. Anyway, here's to you Sis - the stomach of steel!

Hey Jessica - Got Beef?


Tracy said...

this story seriously grosses me out.

Jenni said...

wow. WOW. That's bad, that's really bad. I don't know you Jessica, but I'm so sorry you went through that!

Jenny said...

Emily, you may just have opened up a new chapter to this. Stories are WAY worse than pictures sometimes. :)

Janan said...

I think I just threw up in the back of my throat. LOL

Amber said...


Jessica said...

I still don't see the big deal. ;)

Jules said...

Oh no! Oh no! That is awful! I'm glad she lived through that!

steph said...

I am loving the stories and pics of you and your sister. You crack me up. How's the house hunt coming? Hope things are going well.