My New Friend Penelope
So it always seems to happen - every time we travel I breakout in the worst ways. I don't know if it's the countless hours in the car, eating food I normally try to avoid or just the plain stress of long car rides with 4 young kids - but whatever the reason, my face just can't catch a break. Well this trip was no exception! I've been "blessed" with the biggest, hurtiest zit I've ever had. This thing is a separate entity that's attached itself to my face. I feel as though I must name it, be friends with it and love it - for it goes with me EVERYWHERE. My kids can't stop talking about it, and to it for that matter. I can't tell you how often their eyes start drifting down to my chin when they're talking to me and Evan has informed me that he can't kiss me until my "wart" is gone - DUDE! And you know Darren's having a hay day with all his jokes and "funny" comments. What's sad is that this isn't even the worst part. I had to take Ryann to the doctor today so he could examine her skin condition. He was describing a process and compared it to "popping a zit" and then said "I don't know if you know the feeling..." looks up at me and looses his train of thought. His face goes red and he hurry and looks away. Are you freakin' kidding me?! I want to run home and into my room and not come out until this thing is gone, but I can't. Life must go on. Of course I have to teach this week and I'm getting my hair done tomorrow and Reilly has 3 soccer games this week... you get the picture. I'll hold my head high, smile at others and try to ignore the pure horror I see spreading across their faces. Yes people, it is possible, they can be this big, and no it's not contagious. Me and Penelope are attached at the hip, or should I say chin, for the better part of this week and you better get used to it!
Nice to meet you Penelope.
Any friend of your is a friend of mine.
Nice. That doctor probably had a great laugh over his/her lunch break. I know I did. Hope it goes away quickly. Why didn't you want to post a picture?
You make me laugh! Is it like that Nanny McPhee? Did you see that movie? Didn't she have some kind of thing on her face? I can't remember for sure but here's to you and Penelope and your "growing friendship"
been there, met penelope and took her home for a visit.
Thanks for the laugh. Your humiliation is my mood enhancer. No really, I feel your pain! Been there many times. Perhaps if you included a photo of Penelope. . .
Since Paul has officially moved to
Virginia and I am left a temporary single Mom trying to sell her house I can relate. I think that a few of Penelope's relatives have relocated to my face. Atleast we can use this as a bonding experience for the two us of. As for those individuals that seem to stare at us. Well, I say they aren't staring at a blemish they are just jealous of all our other radiant qualities.
Just forget the Mamacita thing, long story.
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