Friday, March 21, 2008

A Little Getaway

Last week Darren and I had a chance to get away to one of my top 5 favorite places to go - Jackson Hole, Wyoming. He had some work business there so I caught a ride and spent a few days relaxing in our luxury condo. My parents agreed to watch the kids for me so I was able to really get away from it all. I've always loved Jackson Hole - we've been there so many times throughout our marriage , whether it was white water rafting down the Snake River or camping out in the condos - I LOVE Jackson Hole. I'd almost be tempted to move there if it wasn't for the million dollar price tags for a tiny apartment. I don't know if it's the great restaurants or the fun shopping but Jackson seems to have it all. Right in the middle of downtown is a park square and on either side is the Antler Arch - kinda creepy but it grows on you. I was glad we had Darren's new little Subaru with us. It seems like a requirement for living in this tree hugging, boot wearing, granola eating, liberal kinda town. I mean, there were 4 Subaru's to every 1 "other" car. I was soooo glad we didn't drive our ozone killing, gas guzzling, politically UNcorrect Suburban - DANG! Imagine the looks we would have gotten.The restaurants are FABULOUS! I could go on and on but then it sounds like that's all I do there... let's just say this - I've never had a bad meal there and 5 years later I still salivate when I think of the Spicy Lentil Bisque I had.
Thanks to all the meetings Darren had scheduled I was alone for most of the day so what did I do? some scrapbook layouts, take a nap, read a new book, watch a movie and, oh yeah - SHOP!!! I told Darren that aside from a spa facial (hello $200) I did everything that I love. my perfect vacation. It was short but sweet and I was so happy to find these little gems:

Before I start sounding too much like a travel brochure for Jackson I'll end with: if you've never been, it's worth the trip and if you've already been you know just what a great place this is. Thanks again for the little "nudge" Darren and Mom - you knew I would be glad I went. ( I have issues traveling without the kids...don't get me started!)


Jenni said...

Sounds like you're living it up!

Wendy said...

Nice shoes. Those are very cute and very YOU!