Saturday, March 29, 2008

Funniest Story Update

I emailed my friend Jen the link to the post I did about her story and this was the email I got back:

Did I ever tell you this one? We were doing a game for girls camp about the leaders and this is the one I gave:

A business colleague and I were out on a sales call; he was driving. We went to pick up a customer to take to lunch, and when we got back out to the car, I offered to sit in the back. I opened the passenger side door and tried really hard to get the seat to fold up so I could climb in the back but I couldn't. So I just gathered up my dress and dove over the seat. Then one of them said, "Wouldn't it have just been easier to use the back door?"
{this is, by the way, documented in Reader's Digest and I got paid $350 for my dopiness...}

I bow down to the Queen of Blunders... she should start doing parties.


Wendy said...

That sounds like something that would happen on The Office. Why isn't that show back on?

Jenni said...

You've got a few 'stories' yourself!

You should submit them to Readers Digest! You'd be rich.....

Elena said...

Wow -- how many posts am I behind? Dang... Anyway, that's awful??? I was so worried her coworkers were going to get a NASTY g-shot if you know what I mean. SICK!