Friday, February 22, 2008

How Well Do You know Me?

5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago

1. Just found out that I was having a girl!!!! (Reilly)
2. Trying the figure out where to put everything for baby in our 1 bedroom apartment
. Hating Ogden, but loving our friends there
4. loving my new little black Honda Civic – smokin’ hot
5. Listening to police sirens nightly – did I mention I hated Ogden?

5 Things on My To-Do List Today

1. Clean up after kids – daily
2. work on my next scrapbook class
3. run to Walmart – again, daily
4. start to design Reilly and Ryann’s new bedding
5. laundry – daily, daily, I need to get a life, daily

5 Snacks I Enjoy

1. anything gummy – I could probably end here
2. Pirate Booty
3. Easter candy – only holiday candy that I like, hello sugar!
4. Oreo’s – I actually avoid buying them at all costs, oh the humanity
5. chips-n-salsa

5 Things I'd Do If I Were a Billionaire

1. buy a bigger house
2. Hire a chef – forget the maid, I hate to cook
3. Hire a maid – well if I’m a billionaire then I can have both
4. travel with Darren, travel with friends, travel with kids
5. spa days weekly – facial, massage and pedicures just to name a few
( do I really need to stop at 5? I could go on and on…)

3 Bad Habits

1. staying up way too late for no good reason
2. not saying goodbye to Darren and the kids when I leave the house – I think I need Dr. Phil’s help on that one, I have no idea why I do it and I can’t believe I just admitted it
3. Yelling – again, can’t believe I’m admitting it, but I do know why I do it, thanks

5 Jobs I've Had

1. Miller’s Outpost – is that even still around anymore?
2. Mountain America Credit Union
3. Macey’s grocery store (4 different ones) –it’s where Darren and I met
4. jewelry maker
5. scrapbook designer/teacher (current)

5 Things People Probably Don't Know About Me

1. People think I’m more confident then I actually am – is that good or bad?
2. I have a passion for organizing – some might even call it a little OCD
3. I have the need, the need for speed. I love love love to drive fast and one of these days I want to go to a racetrack and drive really, really fast in a car that’s really, really cool.(hmmmmm….maybe for my birthday coming up, Darren)
4. I am a Friends trivia nut. It’s a little scary just how much I know about that show. If I’m on your team for the trivia game, we’ll win.
5. I am the worst on the phone. Phone calls are hard for me for so many reasons, but never because of who’s on the other end. Don’t judge me by the phone calls, I’m bad and I admit it. I’m really trying to get better and maybe when my kids can actually behave while I’m on a call I might enjoy the phone once again.


Anonymous said...

Yo Yo Yo, nothing we didn't know. We think we can take you on the Friends trivia. Bring it!
jessica & wendy

Kaylene said...

I'll take you on in Friends Trivia! I keep on hinting to Daniel I would love to be the proud owner of the series. I still have yet to have them!

Elena said...

Great posts -- all of them. I'd love to comment more, but I have 5 lessons tonight starting in 7 minutes. Miss you!

Jules said...

I like to sneak out of the house without anyone realizing I'm leaving (I forewarn Paul or Sam ahead of time). This way I don't have to deal with crying or pleading to come along. I like my alone time!

I am nowhere near as confident as people think I am. But you? Nah, you've got it all put together!

I'm also curious about your daily trips to Walmart. I find that I average $125 and 90 minutes everytime I step inside one. Perhaps I could streamline this if I went daily instead of once or twice a month. (Heber is getting its own Walmart soon.)

Sorry for the novel! I enjoyed learning more about you.