Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Bone To Pick...

The kids brought their school class pictures home and I was finally going to be able to put some faces with all these names I hear. I do a lot of file work for Jacob's teacher and I've always wondered what these kids, whose names I'm so familiar with, look like (and their were a few in particular I was really interested in) So far, not much of a surprise - Yeager Johannessen, very cute blue-eyed boy. Morris Unutoa, cute Polynesian boy with a bright smile. Shaquel Remund - blond haired, blue-eyed girl!!!!! What the? Now I'm all for switching up the names - Reilly and Ryann are the names I chose for my own girls, but Shaquel for a girl - that's too much. Do they call her Shaq for short? What are some people thinking? I NEED to know! I don't know if I will be able to resist asking Shaq's mom her thoughts whenever I might meet her. I might suggest Abdul-Rahim for her next one!


Janan said...

Awesome catch up Em. I have not blogged for too long and vow this monday to remedy that. eek. I'm scared. That is awesome about Ryann. There is always joy in passing that stage. I still am waiting for the time I won't even have to wipe a bum, thing at a time. Sounds like thanksgiving was lots of fun, I have never been to that tramp place, heard about it, but not made it there.

Jenni said...

I always wonder what life would be like for my eldest son if I let my hubby use the name he so desperately wanted: LaVell. I can only imagine the double-wide I'd be visiting my grandchildren in.

Jules said...

Sometimes we don't think these things through really well! It could have something to do with the well-documented shrinking of the brain that occurs during pregnancy.