"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. "
Thank you to all of you have touched my life in so many ways. To my old friends and my new ones - thank you for making me smile and blessing my life so richly. I really do have the best friends out there. To my family, what can I say? I couldn't imagine going through life without any of you. We seem to always come back to the basics - a love and understanding without limits or conditions, and oh yeah, a whole lotta laughs in the middle. Enjoy this holiday season.
I'm thankful for the Tres Jolie night shift. Without which I would not know your "Occupied" story.
We missed your family at Thanksgiving this year. Jack and Lily just assumed your family would be coming sometime during the holiday. Maybe we could sneak up to Utah and go to Temple Square to see the lights. It could be fun!!
A whole lot of laughs is right. When can we do it again?
Our home was definitely "The Comedy Factory!"
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