Girls Getaway
This is turning out to be a year of many firsts for me. For some time now my sisters and I have been talking about a sisters get-together but it never went beyond that. My sister Elena finally did something about it and arranged a weekend retreat for the five sista's and out mom. She found this luxury cabin located in Eden, Utah and we all converged on this tiny town - two babies included. We had so much fun lounging in pajamas, soaking in the hot tub, watching movies like The Break-Up and License To Wed and jamming on the karaoke machine (another first for me and yeah not much of a fan) but the highlight of the trip was playing the name game. We were up laughing 'til 1 in the morning and had so much fun remembering people and sayings from our past. It's amazing how alike we all are and kinda freaky at the same time. I had such a good time just hanging with the girls and hope that this is just the beginning of a new tradition. I'll never forget Wendy singing Bye, Bye, Bye (by N'Sync) on karaoke and Jessica and Elena dancing're never too old when your with family. Oh, and Mom - loved hanging out with you in the hot tub, let's do it again.Our awesome cabin in Eden, Utah
It really was as nice as the picture!
Sounds like you had a blast! Makes me wish I had sisters!! So are you ready to take the "Super" off my name on your link list yet??
Sounds awesome! and wow that cabin! I'm laughing and singing about bye' bye' bye'!
How fun! It's always good times with the girls.
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