Saturday, October 6, 2007


So, we had two different families touring our house today so we needed to disappear for a couple of hours. Darren thought it would be a good time to finally visit the "new" Ikea that opened this past spring. I think we are the only family that has yet to make that venture so today was as good a day as any. We pointed out the play area to the kids and they weren't interested (dang it!) so we were off. I have no idea what got into my boys but they were literally wrestling their way through the isles of Ikea. Just to be clear, I'm not talking a little punch here and a little push there. I mean slamming into floor displays, rolling around the center isle, falling into other shoppers kind of wrestling. Evan would call out in the middle of a match "Oh, you got my pee-pee!" Nice. Darren and I would separate them and as soon as our back was turned they were onto the next round. Darren was threatening under his breath "Just wait 'til we get home...". I swear my face was the color of my red shirt by the time we made it to the car. I told Darren that this was probably the most white trash I have ever felt while out shopping (and that's saying a lot!). Anyways, it will probably be a while until the next time we can show our faces there - I'll just add it to my ever growing list of places to stay clear of until my kids are grown and gone:(


Wendy said...

LOL & tearing up. For me too feel really WT while shopping takes a lot too. I wonder who's standards are lower. Honestly, we should talk. Even's quote is hilarious (and Darren's too -did he follow through?)

Diane said...

I remember when I felt like that. The first time was in a trashy discount store when I finally had everyone rounded up to leave. Someone was paged over the loudspeaker. Tracy said she wanted to hear her own name, so she took off running in order to be "lost." Well, I sent you and Paul after her, only to hear her screaming as she was dragged by her feet (face down) along that filthy floor. We left in a hurry and I ended up having to throw her clothes away!!

Elena said...

Holy Crap, Emily. Or, should I say Steve Carrell. This one is definitely for the books.