Now I'm Really Depressed
I'm sitting in church the other day and look over to see Reilly and Jacob keep glancing up at my hair. They aren't too obvious about it but then again you never know. Instinctively I think something is amiss with my hair and start patting away. The looks don't stop and now the whispering begins..."what the?" I lean over and whisper "Okay, what's wrong with my hair?" They both start giggling. "Tell me!" Jacob looks over at me and says sheepishly "Reilly says you have A LOT of gray hair." then adds "But that's because you're old." Dang, blow to the ego big time. I've had fun coloring my hair in the past but I never thought it was a necessity. I guess there's no denying it any longer. Instead of ending up with my mom's genes that seem to repel gray hair, I ended up with my dad's genes that not only seem to welcome early-onset-graying, but actually seems to embrace it. I guess the time has come to have a standing appointment with my "hair girl" (as I so lovingly call her).
haha... that is really funny. I have never notcied any gray hair strands! We have no idea when Mom started getting gray hairs, she has been dying it for awhile now.
So once you got to a mirror, was there really that much to fuss over? I never noticed before. Love the skunk photo :)
Dad had a few gray hairs when I met him when he was 26 years old. I noticed I had 4 gray hairs when I turned 40 and thought, "This is not bad if I get one gray hair for every decade." That was just the tip of the iceberg. I've been getting my hair weaved for 9 years!! The weaving helps the color and the texture. One of these days I'll have to give up the weave and go for the all over color.
WELL EM- the other day while we were driving Roan says, "Mom why do you have so many moles on your face?" And I say "well...", but before i can answer he pipes up, "Oh, I know it's because you're sooo old!" wah.
I've never noticed either. I don't think it's something you really have to worry about. And just to help you feel better, I have a patch of grey hairs! That's right a whole patch!
Welcome to the greying to early club. We have a small membership of really hip and beautiful young women who have the blessed genetics of greying early. I am club President but I do have an opening as treasurer.
Seriously, I can relate. My "hair gal" is my niece and she does not hold any punches when it comes to the grey in my hair. I don't even get the professional courtesy of a lie. I am considering some modest highlights and letting the grey come. I am hoping to pull of the really cool grey haired chick. I will let you know how it goes.
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