Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Okay, I know, it's been FOREVER since I last posted as my sister Wendy so gently reminded me. Let's see, what's new...
Saturday I went to my first BYU game in over 11 years and I actually had a good time. It was a blowout with BYU winning 31-6 over Air Force (can't believe I know this) and the weather was great. It was overcast the whole time and the rain started coming down during the 4th quarter (look at me and all my football talk...he,he) but as you know, I love the rain so it didn't bother me. I brought a book to read , but didn't read as much as I was planning on which is a good thing, right?! I actually made groaning sounds when BYU fumbled or missed a pass and cheered when they made their touchdowns. I didn't get carried away with the "wave" (I'm 33) or sing the BYU anthem or do the "defense march" but I was a good sport (meaning I didn't make fun of everyone else when they did it). Darren did everything to make it a good experience for me and I just might make a repeat visit the next time my dad can't use his ticket. Hey, wouldn't you know it I even dressed in a navy shirt not knowing I was wearing the BYU "required uniform" and matching about 75% of all other attendees. Good times, good times. GO, FIGHT, WIN!


Tracy said...

Wahoo... You are turning into a TRUE BLUE COUGAR FAN!!! GO COUGARS!Joe and I want to get tickets and come with you guys for one of the games. Don't worry Em, Joe would bringa book to the game too, so you aren't alone in that.

Wendy said...

The wave? You're funny.
Wow! This might take your marrage to a whole new level. j/k Darren must be so happy! Glad you had a good time.

Jules said...

I haven't been to a game since we had tried to take Sam as a baby. Not fun! I hate watching sports on TV but I remember the live games as being a lot more fun. If only they were a couple of hours shorter. . . I know, I am a sports party pooper.

Jamie! said...

Awesome. I used to love going to the games. I miss that. Go Coug's!

Janan said...

Sounds like fun, it's been years since i went to a game too. We should plan a big go-together.