Monday, September 3, 2007

I'm ba-ack...

I've read almost 1800 pages in a little over 2 weeks - yea, it's good to be back. I spent the majority of today catching up on my neglected house, laundry, projects and oh yeah - my family. My dad asked if I was sad that I was through the last book but I can honestly say that I so need a break from reading. I think I've read about 7 books and listened to 3 books on CD during this summer so I'll take a small break from reading to catch up on some other interests...quilting, scrapbooking and general crafting to name a few. It's been a good run and I'm definitely looking forward to Stephenie Meyer's new release in the Twilight series next fall, and reading some other good reads in the meantime but for now I'll keep my nose clear of any books. (Can you say moderation? I seem to have no concept of the word.)


dd... said...

haha... Emily, I can if I get that book from you tomorrow, I will have read all three books in a week! What does that say about my life, does that make a ultimate loser or what? I showed up late to parties and I even hide in the corner of your house to read a couple chapters...I have major issues and my life won't settle until I read book three!

Wendy said...

I'm going through withdrawls. I can't go 12 months with out my friends. What is wrong with me. Oh, I know, Edward's a tease. maybe I need to check into Promises to detox or maybe just wait till all my fall shows start up again :)