Monday, September 10, 2007

Big Girls Don't Cry...yea right!

Ryann comes running down the stairs this morning so excited that she found one of her long lost binki's. Seeing as how I took her off the binki back in June and we threw all the ones lying around the house in the trash, she was overjoyed to have found this tiny treasure. I told her that we needed to throw it away since she was a big girl now and immediately she popped it in her mouth and bit down so I couldn't get it from her. Instead of wrestling her for the binki I offered her bribes if she would hand it over so we could throw it away. She threw herself on the floor crying that she wasn't a big girl and she was still a baby. Over and over she cried that she was only 3 and not 5 (apparently her idea of a big girl). This went on for about 20 LONG minutes. I must have appeared so heartless to her, but then again, she's likely moved on and doesn't remember the 2 months of torture I went through taking her off the binki already - thanks, but I'm not doing that again. I'll deal with 20 minutes of screaming rather then relive those 2 months again. Sometimes it's so sad to have to grow up - trust me, there's days I wish I could throw myself on the floor and cry not wanting to be a big girl either!


Anonymous said...

We just took the binki away from Owen last week - the day after his birthday. It hasn't been that bad. He gets more upset if he can't sleep with his marbles. Ahhh....

Jules said...

None of my kids ever really took to the binki--or thumbsucking--despite all of my efforts. Brynna loves to stick binkis in other kids mouths though! We always think kids will be so motivated by the idea of growing up, but sometimes it is just to scary! Poor Ryann. Poor Mommy!

Tracy said...

How cute...she was rolling around crying about how she' still a baby. She probably hid that binki a while ago, and just found it. She is so sneaky!

Wendy said...

That stinks. I'm sure Peter Pan & Geoffrey the Giraffe slogans don't help either. Maybe she should start going by her given name :)

Elena said...

Well, good for you. I think the only way Tyler will be off the binki is when Nikki is off it as well. He has no problem yanking one out of her mouth and popping it in his own -- Nikki has quite learned how to "bite down" for dear life. Tyler's actually doing pretty good. He pretty much only uses one in his crib, and when he steals one from Nikki. ERRR, TYLER BOY!

Anne Marie said...

Hey, Emily! I've been catching up on your blog. Your kids have really grown up. We definitely need to see you guys on our next visit. As for binkies, I can tell my 2-year-old Christopher is not going to give his up without a big fight.

Wendy said...

Request for a new post :)

Diane said...

How is life without the binky going for Ryann?