Monday, August 6, 2007

This Was Such A Fun Weekend!

This past weekend started off with my dad's birthday on Aug. 2. My sister Elena flew in from Colorado to surprise my dad for his birthday and attend Jacob's baptism. We wanted to make him a cake and found this recipe on the Internet and we actually made it look even better then the picture. (not bad for two self-proclaimed non-cookers!) My Dad was so surprised and it made the night even better when Tracy and Joe came up from Provo to have dinner and dessert with us. (not the best picture of me, but hey - at least I posted one!)
This recipe won first place at a county fair and it was divine. I think it was called "Too Much Chocolate Cake" - and believe me, it was RICH! but good.
(pictured above: Jessica, me, Dad, Elena, Wendy and Tracy)
The next day my two sisters Jessica and Wendy flew in from California with their babies to surprise my dad and we headed to Salt Lake to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building for dinner and The Garden and the Joseph Smith movie. We had so much fun visiting and catching up we just made it to the last viewing of the movie.

We can't forget the men: Joe (Tracy's husband), Dad and Darren. They were good sports to put up with all the girl talk.
Saturday, August 4, Jacob was baptized. He has been looking forward to his baptism for over a year. I would constantly find little scraps of paper around the house with a count down to the day of his baptism..."256 days until I'm baptized" and so on. He was so excited about his baptism that he wasn't really interested in celebrating his birthday this past month. He had the biggest smile all day and it made my heart melt. Towards the end of the closing song I looked at Jacob and just started to cry.(I'm not talking one tear streaming down my face cry, I mean ugly cry.) I was so overcome by the spirit and so touched by my son it was truly one of those perfect moments you want to remember always. We had so much family support that day, more then I can remember in a long time, and it was definitely one of the best days ever. We all gathered at my house afterwards for brunch and I really enjoyed seeing so many people I love in one place. Thank you to all our family and friends who attended and helped make this one of Jacob's "favorite days of my life".


dd... said...

We are so happy that wet live so close to you guys...I know Joe really enjoys Darren and I sure love to laugh with you. We can't wait to attend Evan and Ryann's baptism, it's just around the corner!

The cake was delicious! You need to start posting some I can try cooking more things! You can start it off with that cake! You missed out on the cookies I made... we'll have to make them together sometime.

Wendy said...

Emily, you SO know how to throw a party! Thanks for me the most gracious host this weekend. It was so fun, I can't wait for October & November. Who knew I'd enjoy my sisters this much?

Anonymous said...

Like I said - there for the birth and baptism - we are connected! Love that boy! Good times too.

Jules said...

Sorry I missed it, Em. It is so sweet to see our kids reach these awesome milestones. You have such a great family!

Jamie! said...

Sounds like an awesome weekend! I know I enjoyed Saturday's Baptism and Brunch. Jacob was smiling non-stop! It was awesome!

Anonymous said...

It's not fair to ask me to say the closing prayer after sitting next to you and catching the "cries." I could barely choke out the words. Still, it was a wonderful occasion.