Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Holy Loads Batman

So...I finally finished ALL my laundry. I threw the last load in and looked around
and couldn't believe my eyes. I almost let out a "hallelujah" and thought who could I call that would really appreciate it. Forget the phone, I'm gonna blog my excitement. I have never really been behind on laundry until this past week. Not bad for having 4 kids if I do say so myself. Anyways, I was in the midst of doing it last week when my sister came into town and of course visiting was way more exciting then folding laundry so it started to pile up...and pile and pile. With so much family in town I kept throwing loads in, transferring it to the couch, then later transporting it up to my room. Pretty soon I had baskets and piles of clean clothes everywhere while still having a huge pile of dirty laundry sitting by the washer. I had no idea that I even owned that much cotton. I think on Tues. I folded 10 loads alone. Well, I'm finally done...not much of a post, but hey...this is my life.


Janan said...

Emily, I share your quandry on a bi-weekly basis. We are never ever done with laundry and more often than not, even clean it is piled somewhere...

Anonymous said...

I HATE the laundry - it is the bane of my existence! I empathize - and the thought of folding 10 loads at once (which I try desperately never to get to that point) literally depressed me! ;-)

Wendy said...

Wahoo for you! I don't mind wasing, drying, or even folding the laundry. It's the putting away that drives me nuts. Jake wishes that I would only do laundry once a week. Like that could ever happen with a 2 year old learning to feed herself and 4 month old having blow outs daily.

Tracy said...

That's awesome Emily... even though it is just me and Joe, we get behind on laundry because we don't have a washer&dryer in our apartment. I understand th relief of getting it all done. I wil try to get ours done tomorrow!!!

Jamie! said...

Luckily I have a TV in my room where I fold. So I usually wait till my kids are in bed then I watch TV and fold on my bed. It gets me through it...