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So the other day my visiting teachers were coming and I wanted to have the house clean and be dressed for the day before they came. I cleaned the night before and was in the shower by 8:30 a.m. with plenty of time to make it before they arrived at 10...what was I thinking?! Ryann kept crying so I wasn't able to do much in the way of getting ready besides blow drying my hair half way. (Anyone who has seen my hair in this state has to admit it's a cross between a fro and and a wet mop). I'm not even a little dressed when she arrives (yes naked and scrambling for a bra!) and run down the stairs to see her stepping over a mess of toys and brushing what must have been a whole bowl of cereal at one time off the couch into her hands. It seems as though the kids were busy while I was in the shower. I go to sit on the other couch and my parents dog Lucy comes over to me and immediately squats and starts to pee!!!!! What???? She has never done this before, ever, and I had no idea she could hold SOOOO much. Even my friend commented on the amount and the length of time it took to completely empty her bladder. I couldn't do anything except watch in horror and wait for her to finish. (I wanted to contain the mess) I had no idea about the odor and after spending 10 min trying desperately to soak it up, starting a load of laundry, changing my pants that somehow got wet too in the process - we had a good visit. I can't imagine a more white trash experience. We'll have to see what's in store for next time. I can't believe it could get any worse...knock on wood.
Poor Lucy, she must of had to really go to do something like that. And poor you, for having to deal with that during the mist of everything else going on. Did she go on carpet or the wood flooring? Let's hope it doesn't get worse than that.
that sucks.
HAHAH... Em, I just laughed out load at work. That is really funny and sad at the same time. I had a mental picture the whole time. I can't believe Lucy, she has never done that before... it must be her old age.
You painted such a vivid picture Emily! I could alomst smell the pee too! Yuck! You are a trooper.
Love, Joe
what's up - haven't heard from you in a while... that must mean there is a great post coming!!!
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