Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Thing 1 and Thing 2!

I think I have two kids that can rival anything that Dr. Seuss' Thing 1 and Thing 2 can do. I can't tell you how many times I've heard bangs and crashes and when I go to check it out I discover a HUGE mess and immediately I call out for Evan and Ryann. I can hear them running away and laughing heading to another adventure. It seems that as soon as I'm done cleaning up a mess upstairs they've gone and done it downstairs. Between my basement, main floor and upstairs I can't keep up with them...ahhhhh I really think I'm going to loose it sometime! Anyways, I think Darren has a new appreciation for me when he sees these two in action. No I don't just sit around all day - I probably clean my house several times a day and still go to bed with a messy house. I remember when I used to be able to make my bed and it looked good for the whole day, it seems like so long ago. Dirty clothes in baskets you say? Oh how sweet that would be. Toys confined to the toy room...now what fun would that be? Oh well, it makes life exciting and I'll enjoy these moments (messes and all).


dd... said...

That's really funny... they really do feed off each other.

Wendy said...

Cute theme for a post. I can't relate to that sort of craziness yet but I'm sure there will come a time when I do. But I do feel you pain about constantly cleaning. Every so often jake will come in and say what happened in here? Hello, if you only saw everything that I have been doing you wouldn't ask me that.

Anonymous said...

I agree, sometimes I think that if we lived in a studio apartment it would be cleaner because there is only so many places you can mess up - the more places the more mess!