Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thanks, But No Thanks

So...I really don't like any pictures of myself, EVER! I would much rather be behind the camera than in front of it. I cringe whenever a camera comes out and I'm not behind it. I try to be a good sport but com'on. Every time (and I mean EVERY TIME) I see the final results I want to tear up any copies and burn anything that can reproduce the horrifying image. My poor kids will look back through their childhood pictures and wonder where I was - but I'm okay with that. I'll gladly scrapbook any and every picture of my kids and record every tender moment in their lives but as far as any pictures go...well count me out (at least for now!).


Anonymous said...

OH, Come on! I think you are being a bit to critical of yourself. I think you look great and are very photogenic. Not every picture is perfect (take a look at half the one's I'm in). I changed a lot to black and white because I had no make up on. I say take more photos of yourself... you just need to get use to looking at them.

Anonymous said...

here, here. I agree with that. Hey Jess, how did you learn my secret for b/w?

Tracy said...

Em please... you don't look bad in pictures.. I have some that I think you look beatiful in. If you want I can even post them, just to remind you! I have to alter the contrast so that I don't look so, blah!

Janan said...

As someone who is famous for ruining what-would-otherwise-be a great picture I totally sympathize. I do dream though that one day I'll be so in shape it won't matter what nasty face I make because I'll still look good. I'm not holding my breath for that. SO all you volunteer-to-take-the-photo-people, like us, give Em a shout out....that was lame, but I refuse to backspace. LMBO

Amber said...

Hey Emily, I added you as my friend, I hope that's okay? I really like your page. See ya, Amber

Jules said...

I can totally sympathize. I never like any pictures that I am in. Paul always tells me to stop being so egocentric and looking at myself. He says I never comment on others in the picture when it includes me. So I am trying. But some pictures I refuse to let continue to exist!