Monday, July 30, 2007

So the other day I'm at the car dealership waiting for my car and a mechanic comes into the waiting room...
Ryann: Hi...dummy.
Me: Ryann! Don't say that. That makes other people sad.
Ryann: (after thinking for a bit) I like to make people sad.


Wendy said...

That's classic. Where do they come up with these things? Look on the bright side, at least she's honest.

Janan said...

LMBO, literally, I was barely perched on a chair and slid right out of it laughing. that's great, your kids say the BEST stuff. LOL

Tracy said...

that is really funny emily... i agree with wendy, at least she is honest!

Anonymous said...

You should have said, "we don't say dummy... he's stupid"

Diane said...

I almost feel guilty how much I enjoy all the antics of my grandchildren. I said ALMOST. These stories are so funny! I've got to go back to work -- I'm almost crying from trying to contain my laughter! Keep the stories coming. I'm lovin' it.

Jules said...

Hey Em, come see me at