Thursday, July 19, 2007


So, when were in San Diego we had a little mishap. Ryann and Evan were playing around on the couches and without fail Ryann falls off the couch and hits her head on the corner of the massive stone used for a coffee table. Her head starts bleeding profusely and after much "should we or shouldn't we" Darren ended up taking her to the local emergency room. After waiting for a good hour or so the doctor cleaned to cut and applied a butterfly bandage and off they went. Ryann's head healed great with a little 1/4" scar halfway between her eyebrow and her hairline. We didn't think much more about it until a bill for $602 came in the mail last week. What the...! Surely it had to be a mistake. I called the hospital and after numerous transfers I had Lakisha on the line telling me "Well it's expensive to go to the hospital ma'am. There's nothin' I can do 'bout it." Hello!? $600 bucks for a band aide - that's not right! Well I called my insurance and after talking with a rep. it turns out that our portion of the bill is a mere $400 - but rest assured it covers Ryann for any future hospital visits this year...Thanks! I called Darren to break the news and he simply said "I'm not paying it". Unfortunately I don't think they're going to just "let this one go" though so Darren is either going to have to break out the checkbook or call a lawyer. I say pay the darn thing and be done with it. I'll keep you posted. Beware of those costly band aides guys.


Wendy said...

Jake has had some really negative experiences with the ER and their outrageous billing practices, pre-marrage. What a bummer for you guys.

Jules said...

ER visits are insanely expensive--my insurance wants us to go to Urgent Care centers for a much smaller copay but of course none are close enough to be of use in an emergency. Don't even get me started on the many gaps in insurance. AARGH! What do we pay those high premiums for every month again?

Jules said...
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