Monday, July 30, 2007

Be On Th Look Out!

I don't know what I'm gonna do with this kid, Ryann that is. Everyday I am searching frantically for items that Ryann has "put away". I spent 3 days looking for my meds that I'm supposed to take daily (and just had refilled) and just when I'm about to give up and go pay full price for another refill I find the bottle in the box of fingernail polish. Why didn't I think of that? It would be one thing if she had usual hiding places or if the spot even slightly made sense...but no. We hunted all over the house for Darren's keys and after several days I found them in a pencil box under a stack of coloring books. You would have thought we won the lottery with all the excitement in the house that day. Even my Dad has turned to Ryann looking for his dog's thyroid medicine and she finally remembered she "put it away" with all the videos. I could go on and on about our daily hunts but just know if you ever call and I don't answer - I probably can't find the dang phone!


Wendy said...

This age is so fun, isn't it. Tess one time put my antibiotics in the laundry basket so I couldn't finish the course. She also one time while we were on vacation, put our car keys in someone elses luggage. Ahhh, we wasted so much time looking everywhere but there. The little ones can be so sly.

Tracy said...

haha... at least she remembers, right? she is just so cute an innocent!

Anonymous said...

lol - that's a funny one. I don't think my kids would put things away even if I begged them... no I'm kidding - but we are working on the fact that all things don't get shoved under the bed.

Diane said...

I'm remember telling you kids I'd rather you not clean up at all than to stash things in places they don't belong. I shouldn't have said that. Absolutely each one of you stepped forward and said you voted to not clean up at all.