Tuesday, July 10, 2007

2 Good Reasons 2 Celebrate

July is such a fun month for us. We love the fireworks, picnics and water fun but most of all we love celebrating Ryann and Jacob. These two add so much to our family and I just love that I get to share my life with them. Ryann turned 3 on July 4th and Jacob turned 8 on the 7th. We had such a fun week just being together as a family and enjoying each other. When we asked Ryann what she wanted for her birthday she simply said "Pink!". Nothing in particular, just pink. She is the definition for girly-girl and I love it. She just discovered nail polish and asks daily to have her nails painted. She sits and watches me paint away and in a quiet
whisper says "that's beautiful" just loud enough for me to hear and grin. When I ask her what her name is she replies"Baby Olivia Springer". She will always be my baby, and as long as she lets me I will always love our quiet nail painting time. As much as Ryann is all girl, Jacob is ALL boy. I wish I had even half the energy as what must be trapped in this little 8 year old body. Jacob can be the kindest most tenderhearted kid when he's in the mood and his smile just melts my heart. I will often find him doing favors for Reilly "just because [he] loves her". He is always aware of others feelings and he simply loves to make others happy. When we were at the pool the other week Jacob came up to me and started hiding behind me. I asked what was going on and he said that there were two girls that kept following him around in the pool. I looked over and sure enough there they were with the biggest smiles ever. They were never too far away and followed us the entire time at the pool. I told Jacob that just because a girl liked him didn't mean that he had to like her back - it was a compliment, nothing more. I think the jury is still out with him on that one though. Jacob would rather be with his family then anyone else and I want to enjoy this while it lasts. I love these two with all my heart and am so proud to be their mom. Happy Birthday Baby and Jakie-face!


Janan said...

What little sweethearts! Can I have Jacob? Maybe his kind-heartedness toward siblings can rub off on my girls!

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday kiddos! I think they are a bunch of cuties!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the tribute Em. Love the mini profiles on the kids. Happy Bday's